Thursday, March 31, 2011

36 weeks - even closer than we thought?

Today was my 36 week appointment.  And I got a little more of a surprise than I was expecting!
First, I'm GBS positive.  Not a big deal, it just means that I'll have to be on IV antibiotics during labor/delivery, but also means I can't labor at home for an extended period of time.  Boo.
Second, this is the 5th week in a row that I've had zero weight gain.  I've stalled out at 157.  My fundal height (belly height) hasn't increased either, in the same amount of time.  So... next Thursday, at 37 weeks, I have another growth ultrasound to see what Baby D is up to, and see if he's grown at all since my last ultrasound at 34 weeks.
If he's growing well, great!! Onward we go.
If he's not growing well, or well enough... well - we could be having this baby by NEXT WEEKEND.  Holy shit.  He's already a good size, but may grow better as an outside baby.  Which means being induced early.  Not really thrilled about that, but if it means a healthier baby, I'll take it!

He's already moved down to a -2 station, and I'm at 1cm (progress from last week!).  My bishop's score is an 8, which means I should be a successful candidate for induction if we have to go there.

I COULD HAVE THIS BABY NEXT WEEKEND.  Seriously?  At least that's what we're preparing for, just in case.

Those of you reading this, send some positive vibes that Baby D decides to stay in a bit longer, and that he's growing well!  Hopefully I'll have a good update next week!


  1. yay! positive vibes are sent! Great bishop's score. Glad you asked! GBS is no big deal. You'll have a round of antibiotics every four hours. If your water hasn't broken they should unhook you from everything and let you move around the room/shower. Start taking probiotics now, because the high levels of antibiotics they give in labor can cause yeast infections- the last thing you want postpartum. Good luck! fingers crossed!

  2. Good Luck your way! I hope "Baby D" is doing well!!
